Starting a water restoration company, just like starting any business, isn't an easy task. You need to consider many factors, sign several papers, and buy several pieces of equipment. Apart from that, you need to answer some questions concerning your water restoration company's additional services, the equipment you need to begin the business, and the license and certificates you need to acquire. If you're just starting, it's normal to have questions about the products and services your company should offer.
By the end of this article, you'll learn everything about starting and operating a water damage restoration business.
What You Need To Start Your Water Damage Restoration BusinessTo begin operating this business, you need to acquire some things. Though it's not mandatory to carry a license everywhere you go, insurance agents and claims adjusters may require you to have an IICRC certificate. The IICRC guidelines are set by board professionals and inform you about industry techniques, ethics, standard applications, inspection, terminology for cleaning, and restoration.
This certificate also has 28 classes that cover industry-specific tasks and services. You can buy an IICRC manual to learn more about restoration and remediation tasks. Though this certificate isn't mandatory, you may miss job referrals and recommendations from insurance agents and adjusters if you don't have it.
Having this certificate can also enable customers to trust your services and hire you. That's because most clients prefer going through the IICRC website to search for certified professionals in their respective states.
Unlike the IICRC certificate, which isn't mandatory, you must have a water restoration training certificate. This certificate shows your professional skills and assures your customers that you have the right expertise to offer water damage restoration services. Fortunately, you can find this certificate in all states. Operating a water damage restoration company without this certificate may land you in legal problems. You may also require other things before you start offering services, including a business license, liability insurance, bonding coverage, and water restoration equipment.
Additional ServicesSome people who're starting a water restoration company usually wonder whether they should provide additional services. Offering these services is a great way to increase your profits and enable your customers to make decisions quickly. When considering a company to hire, most clients are likely to settle for companies that give additional services apart from their regular services. It's also a cheaper option because it saves them from hiring other companies to perform related tasks.
Also Read : Water Damage Restoration Brentwood Companies Necessary Equipment You Need To Have In Your Water Damage Restoration CompanyHowever, before you venture into offering additional services, you need to consider their certification and licensing requirements. Some services may require to get additional operating licenses. That notwithstanding, your water restoration company can offer other services such as furniture cleaning, steam cleaning, reconstruction, remodeling, painting, and carpet cleaning.
The equipment you require in your company depends mainly on your specific working mechanics and outcomes, though you should buy equipment that's durable and effective. Some pieces of equipment you need to purchase include:
This equipment tracks and monitors water measurements. They vary depending on the brand and product quality. Despite this, you should ensure that you buy equipment with a moisture detector and real-time drier. Real-time drying equipment can also automatically defrost cycles and adjust the fan speed to increase drying times in varying structures and conditions.
The right WDR equipment should also detect water damage on various surfaces, read elevated or low water levels during drying, and map out moisture damage.
Though this equipment is more expensive than the injection-molded one, its exteriors are durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions. Additionally, it can also hold up knocks from job sites.
Despite being designed from plastics, they don't have thin or weak areas that can collapse inwards when moved or handled. The plastic material can also withstand extreme temperature fluctuations and prevent cracking or warping from occurring at the temperature spectrum ends. This equipment also leaves fewer gorges and dents in doorframes or walls. The only downside of this equipment is that it can easily get scratches.
Using low energy equipment is more economical. That's why most water restoration companies use low-amp and daisy-chained equipment when they have limited outlets. This equipment can also help you to reduce tripping hazards on job sites.
If you move a lot, you need to consider stackable equipment. This equipment allows you to save space for storage and transportation through its easy-lock and fit-together feature, making transport easy for you. It also saves storage space, giving you more room to stock additional tools and equipment.
You'll need these tools when restoring clients' homes to their pre-loss conditions. They eliminate stale odors, existing particles like dust and dander, and smoke that has riddled the air. By cleansing the air, they also minimize airborne particulates while improving indoor air quality. Some scrubbers even feature an option for ducting. They can also prevent contaminants from spreading to other home areas during painting and sanding through their vacuum force mechanism.
Every contractor needs air movers (water damage fans) to facilitate drying and airflow. Just like rotomolded equipment, these fans are easy to carry and transport and require less maintenance. You should pair air movers with one dehumidifier per room to facilitate drying. There are two types of air movers, namely:
* Axial Fans:
They have adequate bandwidth to dry a larger surface area and give longer wind throws for direct air and ventilation. Contractors use them for top-down frying.
* Centrifugal Fans:
They are used to dry areas that are hard to access, like under baseboards, toe-kicks, and sinks. Most people prefer to use them to dry padding and carpet.
Both fans move humid air across wet surfaces and evaporate moisture into the air.
- Low-Grain Refrigerants (LGR) Dehumidifiers
LGRs are essential, especially when you need dehumidifiers that can suck more moisture out of the air. Through air cooling, they thoroughly dry out the air in two steps. When their operating temperature is low, they perform better and absorb moisture from the air, having as little as thirty-five grains per pound. That's why they're suitable for use in areas with baking hot or freezing conditions.
Working with insurance agents can help you to find more jobs and customers. These agents can popularize your brand through referrals. However, they are likely to only work with you if you have the proper equipment.
Though some water companies prefer working with a few employees to complete projects, it can be overwhelming. As your business grows, you need to add more employees to assist with the duties. This way, you'll increase productivity.
The Bottom-lineThe place where you do your business can significantly affect your income. It's advisable to set your company in a populated area like a town or city. You're likely to get more projects to work on and increase your income in towns. Besides, you also need to consider how far it is from your residence. Driving some miles to work can be inconvenient.
You need many things to set up a water damage restoration business. Though it may be profitable in the long run, ensure you buy equipment and get a license. Besides that, you also need to know how to increase profits for your business.