I have received some queries in past about Laser Hair Removal, is it safe? Is it worth? How much one should spend? Comparing Laser to Non-laser Procedures, Which areas and skin types are more suitable for Laser Hair Removal? How much time it will take? Is it safe or not? Etc. Recently I have been at Dermatologist with one of my friends, who is getting married in December. She wanted to see a Dermatologist for Laser Hair Remover. I was curious to know more, and I accompanied her. Though the Doctor is our family friend, I thought to know more about Laser Hair Removal. I have asked all the questions that you and I are having for Laser Hair Removal and thankfully I got all the answers. I would like to share, some key important parts of our talk here, so that You get your answers as well, and you can further decide to go for Laser Hair Removal or not.

Comparing Laser to Non-laser Procedures
Laser Hair Removal Explained
I have started with a very basic question, How this Laser Hair Removal Treatment work?
And she explained… “It is really simple to understand. Laser Light when pointed at a specific part of your body, it converts into heat when it passes through Skin cells. Hair’s Dark pigment absorbs the heat and it damages hair follicle which inhibits further growth, thus the hair growth stops permanently”
She also shared some really important points and tips. Check below.
- Stay away from Sun before you go for Laser Hair Removal.
- Do Not Shave or Wax before your Hair Removal Treatment Session.
- Get your Test Patch Done during your First Appointment.
- Do not expect Results just in one treatment session.
- Each Appointment will take half an hour or an hour at least.
- You need at least 4-5 sessions to see miraculous results, have patience.
- Post Treatment, you need to protect your skin from Sun (Must, You cannot skip it)
- Certainly you will not enjoy the session, there will be some burning sensation but not much. An hour long discomfort feel will lead you with the freedom from unwanted hair permanently, thus it is worth going for.
Last but not the least, she added, one must go for a treatment by a skilled and experienced dermatologist specialized in Laser Treatment. Internationally, she trusts and suggest New You for the best results. This internationally known company has done 1 million+ successful laser treatments. They have great success ratio and the Doctors from New You have managed many challenging cases like giving Laser Hair Removal treatment to 7.7 feet tall person, treating person with sensitive skin etc. If you are not in India but in Canada, New You is the ultimate place for Laser Hair Removal, she says.
My last question was, Is it Worth?
She confidently said, “You can talk to people who have done Laser Hair Removal Treatment. Yes, it is not like, Come for one sitting and you will have silky smooth skin & freedom from Hair, it will take at least 3 months to see permanent results, but It is Worth going for, if you want freedom from Waxing, Threading & Shaving”!
So, That’s all. Hope you got answers of your questions as well. I have tried to cover each and every aspect of Laser Hair Removal. Let me know, if you have more questions to ask. We can get an expert on board with us, asking all those questions and getting answers. Share your views in comment below.
Keep Shining …