Spirituality Magazine

Everything You Need To Know About Burma Ruby

By Sanjeev Chaudhary @9GemDotCom

Burma Ruby | Buy Burma Ruby Online

Ruby Gemstone

Ruby is also termed as Manik. It is known as the gemstone of love. This beautiful gemstone is very strong. Its color ranges from pink to red. This stone is widely known for its elegant look.

It brings fortune, happiness, self-confidence and also bestows healing powers to the wearer. The ruby stone healing powers help in curing many serious diseases like all blood-related diseases, mental diseases, and brain hemorrhage

Benefits of Ruby

Ruby imparts high status and a huge amount of wealth to the wearer. It helps an individual to remain focused by removing all the confusions. Professional and students can draw benefits by wearing Ruby. This stone also enhances financial stability and imparts recognition in the society.

Burma Ruby Gemstone
Burma Ruby

The astrological implication of Ruby

Astrologically, the ruby gemstone is ruled by Sun. Sun is a source of light and so it symbolizes light and hope. It also emits radiance of success. It is also a sign of power, prestige, and pride.

In case the Sun is not favorably placed in one’s horoscope, then it has an adverse effect on health and life-related issues. Here Ruby gemstone has the power to nullify the negative effects of the Sun and thereby imparts good health and strength.

The Fame of Burmese Ruby

Burma is the most famous locality for Rubies. They are known for their beautiful color and are called “pigeon’s blood”. Burmese ruby commands the highest prices. They are the rarest and expensive gemstones.

Although good quality gemstones are there around the globe, Burma ruby enjoys the exclusive fame for their quality and outstanding features. These gemstones have an intense dark red color which is not found in any other origins. So they are the most sought-after gemstone.

Burmese ruby
Burma ruby stone

Since Burmese ruby mining is insufficient, so the prices of this ruby are high. The price of the Rubies also owes to its beauty, rarity, and durability. A further quality of color is another determinant of the value of ruby.

Mogok is the well-known mines of Burmese ruby in Burma. Most of the productivity from Mong Hsu is in smaller sizes, generally under half a carat. Now, it is difficult to obtain a new Burmese ruby of 1 carat or larger.

Most of the big Burmese rubies present in the market were mined years ago. Further Mong Hsu material is not as fine as the Mogok rubies due to the presence of different geological conditions. The Mong Hsu rubies in rough form are cloudy with a purplish color.

The opacity is due to rutile silk, while the purplish color is due to the presence of blue zones in the crystal. But the Mong Hsu rubies can be improved by heat treatment. This removes the silk as well as the blue which thereby results in transparent red stones that looks similar to untreated Mogok rubies.

Although the price of Burma ruby stone is higher when compared to other localities or origin ruby gemstones, their characteristics make this stone the foremost choice of people around the world.

Besides Burma, the most important sources of rubies are in Asia and Africa.

Ruby also occurs in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka produces the largest stones. But the rubies are generally more pinkish in color.

Further mining of rubies in Thailand has been done in the late 20th century but the deposits are getting depleted. These rubies made Thailand leading traders of ruby.

Africa and Madagascar is the leading producer of rubies in today’s time. Madagascar has rubies throughout the island.

Rubies are also extracted from the mines of Kenya, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.

Online Burmese Ruby

With the advent of the internet, things have become easier for people to do shopping. The online shopping sites are the most sought-after one for procuring the products.

Online shopping saves time and is also easy to access from anywhere. Ruby gemstone online can be easily available on various websites. Here one gets all the information related to the gemstone that you want to buy. You have the choice to buy the product either by cash by using the credit card.

Everything You Need To Know About Burma Ruby

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