Food & Drink Magazine

Every Day is a Special Holiday….

By Marialiberati

copyright 2018 Art of Living, PrimaMedia,Inc

Guest Blogger: Annie Beurman

What is your favorite holiday? Is it Christmas? Halloween? Easter? Your birthday? With all of the holidays there are to celebrate, everyone is bound to have a favorite, but there are plenty of holidays that few people are aware exist. I’m not just talking about holidays from different countries that other countries aren’t aware of, but holidays that only a Google search will reveal. Just because they’re obscure doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be honored.

National Doctor’s Day, March 30

Everyone has needed to go to the doctor at least once in their life. Doctors are some of the most important people in modern society and they don’t always get the appreciation they deserve. Take time to appreciate your doctor on this day.

Don’t Go to Work Unless it’s Fun Day, April 3

What can I say? We all need a day off at some point. If you can fake a good sick voice when calling in to work, you can celebrate this holiday.

National Walk to Work Day, April 6

Since the last holiday was about skipping work, let’s put one on here that encourages going. Spare the globe a tad bit of pollution on April 6 and give yourself some exercise at the same time.

National Sibling Day, April 10

You’ve got to love your siblings, no matter how much you butt heads. Give your brother or sister a gift or just spend time with them on this day to show them how much you appreciate them, even if you won’t admit it.

Titanic Remembrance Day, April 15

A hundred and six years have gone by since the Titanic tragically sank. It makes sense to dedicate a day to the passengers who tragically lost their lives in the disastrous shipwreck. If you live in or are visiting Branson, Missouri or Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, pay a visit to the Titanic Museum as well.

Husband Appreciation Day, April 21

We all know about Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and wedding anniversaries, but who says you can’t honor one of the most important men in your life more than once?

Baby Day, May 2

If you have a precious bundle of joy in your life, you can take a day to display how grateful you are that they’re your baby. Take some time off from your busy schedule and give some extra attention to your little miracle.

World Red Cross Day/World Red Crescent Day, May 8

One of the world’s most famous charities has definitely earned a day of its own. There’s no better way to celebrate the Red Cross/Red Crescent than donating to them or to a person in need of emergency assistance.

National Teacher’s Day, May 8

This is a day to celebrate another group of people who don’t receive nearly as much praise as they should. Teachers are some of the most important people in a person’s life and giving them a small gift in appreciation will definitely show them that they are making a difference in your or your child’s life.

Child Care Provider/Daycare Provider Day, May 11

Yet another group of people who deserve some love; how could you manage to provide for your child without them? These are the people who make taking care of the kids a little easier and deserve some acclaim for it. Maybe give them a little extra cash this day or have your child draw them a picture.

Get your copy of the Gourmand World Award Winning book The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: Holidays and Special Occasions- 2nd edition

Every Day is a Special Holiday….

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