Entertainment Magazine

Everest (2015) Review

Posted on the 21 September 2015 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Everest (2015) Review

When groups of climbers are trying to reach the top of Everest a snow storm as they head back down isn’t going to make it easy.

So I have been looking forward to this film for a few weeks now as really thought that it had the potential to be a very good and breathtaking film. Even went to see it in 3D, if you are a regular reader of this blog you will know how much I hate 3D. But I decided to give this one a chance (plus the screening times were better) but that was just one of the disappointing aspects of this   film. It really didn’t make a difference seeing it in 3D.

Rob Hall who is in charge of a company who promise to get clients to the top of Everest and back down again, as long as they listen to his advice and what he asks them to do. He does seem to be the more main character as we get more of a back story on him and he does come across as pretty likeable.

The rest of the characters we get small insights into them and find out a little of their backgrounds and why they have decided to take on the toughest task on Earth. Wanting to climb to the highest point, although for some of them we find out a little bit more than the others.

It’s quite an interesting story as everything seems to go pretty well as they make the climb to the top. I got to a point when I thought well that means some aren’t going to make it back. Well when I say pretty well I guess the timing was all off and took a lot longer than it should have done so maybe it did not go well at all.

Unfortunately the special effects aren’t really that special and nothing we haven’t already seen before. I was really expecting the snow to be better when it crashes down the mountain. That was not the case it was just normal. especially when even the adverts in the screening were so loud, the film didn’t actually seem to be very loud.

I think disappointment is what I feel about this rather than saying it was bad, because it wasn’t really bad just not what I was expecting from it at all. When you look at the highly talented and rather popular cast as well, they really did have a chance to make it unreal. But some if them just weren’t used enough to really have an impact on the film.

It did make you think and wonder if you would like to try something so utterly crazy though. Making you wonder how long you could possibly last on the mountain and if your will power would get you to the top. I think we should have got more about why each person was wanting to reach the top as it was touched upon but did not go into great depth, considering I thought this was probably a good thing as well.

In all honesty though I will probably give this film another watch when it comes to Sky Movies next year as maybe I missed a few things on the initial viewing? It wasn’t bad by any means just more disappointing.

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