You might be wondering what this is all about. Do adoptions have something to do with travel? Actually in this case there is a link between the two...
During my last trip to the Croatian island of Lošinj, a sign promoting adoptions caught my attention. As some of you might have already guessed by now, it was not about regular child adoptions - it was about a dolphin adoptions.
As I learned on my last trip to this island (also successfully marketed as The island of dolphins), there you can actually do just that - adopt a real dolphin!

After days of swimming and relaxing on the beaches with M., on one of the mornings we decided to visit the town of Veli Lošinj for a change. Among other things, The Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation definitely deserves a visit. It is located in the very center of the town and was our main target of the day.
The place definitely has a strong environmental feel to it. It mainly focuses on local marine life and its preservation. Visitors can interact with many exhibitions, which makes it also perfect for children.
Since it is located on the island of dolphins, the marine center obviously has a large section dedicated to sea mammals.
If you are planning a visit to the island I strongly recommend you stop at this place. If you do not have a trip for Croatia scheduled for the near future, you can visit their website instead and maybe sometime in the future end up spending your summer as a volunteer with them.
All information regarding dolphin adoption can be found on this direct link.