Lifestyle Magazine

Event: Meet Up At Mal

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Event: Meet Up At MalYesterday I took myself along to the beautiful Malmaison Hotel on Newcastle's Quayside for a lovely blogger 'meet up'.
 Event: Meet Up At Mal
Event: Meet Up At MalGreeted with prosecco on arrival to the Chateua Lounge (after gawping at how amazing the reception looked and taking a 'selfie' in the lift. Yes, I have no shame. It looked amazing though. Those lights!) I then wandered over to the familiar faces of Amy-Lauren, Amy and Libby (who took some great group photos of us which I'll have to get a hold of).

Organised by the lovely Hannah, 'Meet Up At Mal' was brought about as a way to get North East bloggers together to chat and meet some friendly faces. It was great to catch up with some bloggers I'd not seen for a while and meet some new faces too. Event: Meet Up At MalEvent: Meet Up At Mal It was a really lovely afternoon. I always enjoy social events where there's a relaxed atmosphere and you can mingle with other bloggers and chat. Hannah did so well organising the event and Beth, who works at Malmaison showed a real interest in us being there, wanting to know about our blogs and the topics we write about. 

The canapes were really yummy too, especially those chocolates. I didn't get a chance to take a photo of the savoury bites but believe me the cheese things and vegetarian (what looked like chilli con carne on a little cracker) snacks were great!

Event: Meet Up At Mal
Event: Meet Up At Mal
 If the incredibly generous goody bags weren't enough, I was even one of the lucky ones to win one of the raffle prizes. Unfortunately it wasn't the overnight stay for two with breakfast, which I'm sure my boyfriend would have been very happy with! I won an assortment of jewelry from Miss GeeKay.
Event: Meet Up At Mal
Event: Meet Up At Mal
Event: Meet Up At Mal
Event: Meet Up At Mal
Have you been to any blogger events lately? If you were at the Malmaison event, feel free to leave me a link to your blog, I'd love to check it out as I didn't have a chance to say hello to everyone!You can follow me on Bloglovin | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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