Culture Magazine
By Gabriella Lepore
March 15th, 2013 | Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing
Synopsis: “Then it is settled,” Felix declared. “Come hell or high water, when this is all over, at least one of us here will not make it out alive.”
When Bronwen Snow is pulled from her cottage in the middle of the night, she finds herself seeking the help of three mysterious boys who reside in an abandoned castle deep in the hillside. With only a hasty handwritten note and a vague sense of dread to guide her, Bronwen is forced to put her trust in the eccentric and willful Felix Cavara and his eternal curse – immortality
This book really draws you into the story. It's short but really well written and the type of story that is easy to get lost in. What I think I really loved about the story was that it read like a true folktale even if it was a classically formulate YA fantasy. It had all the makes of one of those epic stories. In fact, as I was reading it, I couldn't help but to be reminded of someone of my favorite Celtic Folk stories from when I was a child and it was awesome.
No to mention there's a Folklore shout out with one of the character's names! Loki <3
I love all this fantastical and magic related so I knew that I would love this book but I did not expect to love it as much as I did! It truly was such a great book. It's sweet, witty, funny and there's romance that doesn't completely overpower the story.
Typically, I will say that I am not generally a fan of what I like to call the 'instant love' phenomenon. For so many reasons, the first being it's completely shattered my own romantic expectations (but then pretty much every young adult novel has done that), secondly it's just so unrealistic. Somehow in this story, I didn't seem to mind it! So that was definitely a bonus.
Call me heartless if you will, I didn't cry. I mean I was moved, but I didn't get to the point where tears were actually streaming down my cheeks. Fair warning though, you might get there!
I recommend it to all YA fantasy fans you should pick up this book.
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Gabriella Lepore lives on the coast of Wales in the United Kingdom. She began writing at an early age and grew up with a passion for all things supernatural—especially witches! She currently has six Young Adult books in print: Evanescent, The Blackheath Witches, How I Found You, Secrets In Phoenix, and The Witches of the Glass Castle books 1 & 2.
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