Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum (ETH), recently made an unplanned trip to the Kyiv Tech Summit in Ukraine. There, he showed his support for the Ukrainian people and said he was optimistic about the country’s future in terms of Web3 and cryptocurrency.
On September 10, the Ukrainian business magazine AIN said that Buterin took part in the Web3 hackathon at UNIT.City, which is an innovation project and infrastructure complex that houses promising digital businesses.
The charity blockchain fund Unchain Ukraine, Ukraine DAO, the metaverse project Atlantis World, and the Web3 community put on the hackathon from September 6 to September 9. The goal was to build software that will help Ukraine during the current conflict and after it is over.
Buterin values development despite the conflict
During the conversation, the person who made Ethereum said that he was visiting the capital of Ukraine for the first time. He said that he was impressed that such a big technical event was happening there while the country was still at war.
As Buterin pointed out:
“It is incredible. Be brave like Ukraine, right? I wanted to see for myself what kind of Ethereum-based projects and applications are being created here, to get to know the people behind them.”
He also said that he thought Ukrainians would keep getting better at technology, thanks to the growth of an active Web3 community, which could turn Ukraine into a Web3 center. As he stressed:
“I think Ukraine may well become the next Web3 hub. The Ethereum Foundation has centers in Boulder, Berlin, Singapore, as communities have grown organically there. A country can become a Web3 hub if its people are actively interested in this technology and decide to make a big contribution to its development. (…) Ukraine has both the capabilities and the determination for this.”
It is noteworthy that Buterin, who was born in the Russian city of Kolomna, has already contributed millions of USD in ETH as help to the Ukrainian people and military in their war effort, as the seventh month of the Russian invasion of this nation approaches.
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