Languages Magazine

Essential French Phrases to Learn French Language Successfully

By Tlb
La Chaise de Bistro

Image by Aimée Wheaton/Mazer Design via Flickr

French is indeed a mesmerizing language; don’t you agree? I could even picture movies that have French language scenes and it really made me imitate how it’s being said. The language seems to be so enticing, especially with its pronunciation and how it could be so romantic.

That’s why there are really some people who are greatly interested to learn French. They could choose to learn the language online, master it by repeatedly dictating words they hear on audio CD’s and mp3’s, or just choose to go to French-learning countries and take their chosen foreign language courses.

So in order to become effective to learn French successfully, you should start from the basics. Do not despise small beginning, just as a famous motto sited. This humble beginning is your stepping stone to effectively learn the language up to its full knowledge.

So, let’s start with the basics. The lists enlisted below are few of the many French phrases you will learn in schools. But, since you will not yet be in school (if I may assume), you can start learning French by just memorizing its translation. It’s as easy as A-B-C.

Start your learning today!

English phrase: Good morning/good day

French translation: Bon jour

Pronunciation: bon-zhoor

English phrase: Good evening

French translation: Bon soir

Pronunciation: bon-swar

English phrase: Hello

French translation: Salut

Pronunciation: sah-loo

English phrase: Thank you

French translation: Merci

Pronunciation: mare-see

English phrase: You’re welcome

French translation: De rien

Pronunciation: dah ree-ehn

English phrase: How are you?

French translation: Comment allez-vous?

Pronunciation: kom-mohn tah-lay voo

English phrase: My name is…

French translation: Je m’appelle

Pronunciation: juh mah-pell

English phrase: Pleased to meet you

French translation: Enchanté(e)

Pronunciation: ohn–shahn-tay

English phrase: I’m sorry

French translation: Desolé/Pardon

Pronunciation: day-zoh-lay/pahr-dohn

English phrase: That’s ok

French translation: De rien

Pronunciation: dah ree-ehn

English phrase: Do you speak English?

French translation: Parlez-vous anglais?

Pronunciation: par-lay voo zon-glay

English phrase: I don’t understand

French translation: Je ne comprends pas

Pronunciation: jhuhn kom-prohn pah

English phrase: Please speak slowly

French translation: Parlez lentement

Pronunciation: par-lay lehn-ta-mohn

Are you enjoying it? It’s the first step to an incredible journey of learning French language. Start your lesson one at a time—just as what you just did!

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