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Essay Structure and Top Tips How to Write Your Essay

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Essays are a much-dreaded assignment for every student. Whether you struggle with your writing talent or skills, the topic or the assignment itself - you're in for quite a lot of work whenever you're assigned an essay.

Because of this, students often try different methods and tricks to make the process smoother. You may choose to copy other people's work, which is the gravest mistake of them all. They also choose to use an essay typer which can provide some help, but can also confuse the student even further.

Thankfully, I have something better than this all. In this article, you'll find some very useful tips that will serve as a guide throughout the research and writing process. Finally, you use the tips in this list as steps in your essay checker phase, when you do the editing and proofreading.

But, first things first. I you want to learn how to write an essay, you need to know what an essay is made of.

Essay Structure and Top Tips How to Write Your Essay

The Basic Essay Structure

As you probably know, there are plenty of essay types that you will be given at school. But, despite the variety, there are certain rules that all essay types share. The most important of them all is the essay structure.

Regardless of the essay you're asked to write, you need to follow the basic essay structure.

The introduction's size can vary depending on the length of the essay. It usually takes around one or two paragraphs. This is the part where you tell the reader what your essay is all about, introduce and define the topic, and provide some background.

Usually located at the end of the introduction (though this is not a fixed rule), the thesis statement must take part of your introduction.

The paragraphs contained in the body of the essay all present facts, ideas, or evidence that proves your statements. They can vary in number, but the minimum number of body paragraphs should be three.

Finally, there's the conclusion. This is not a place to use new information. It's the place to summarize, repeat the thesis, and present your conclusive statement.

Essay Structure and Top Tips How to Write Your Essay

Now that you know what an essay must include, it's time to go through that useful list of steps I've been telling you about.

1] Analyze the assignment

Check what the professor required of you to do. Pay attention to details and read the instructions at least twice. This will help you avoid making mistakes or having to go through unnecessary revisions.

If the topic has not been assigned to you, choose one based on the subject and the prompt. Pick something you'd like to discuss, but also something that you can find sufficient data on.

3] Take notes while doing research

Many students spend hours over the books just to realize that they have forgotten half of it when the time comes to write the essay. This can all be resolve if only you take notes during your research.

When you search for credible sources that will help you develop your thesis and write your essay, make sure that you note down the source, the page, as well as the important dates and numbers.

All those notes you have scribbled onto your pages belong in an outline. If you don't want to get lost in your notes and spend extra time writing your essay, spend a short while creating an outline that will organize your ideas.

Small typos, grammar errors, missing words, and other mistakes can be found in any initial essay draft. Edit and proofread your task repeatedly until you are certain that you've done a great job.

It's not uncommon or unrealistic that a student needs help with his academic workload. This happens to more and more students now that the academic work is bigger than ever.

If you feel like you're not up to completing your essay, don't hesitate to choose your online essay writer and say write my essay. An essay writer can help you meet a deadline and write a paper you're otherwise unable to write.

The Most Effective Essay Writing Tips

There are certain things that make essay writing more bearable and more effective. Here are some tips you should know about.

1] Avoid the passive voice and phrasal verbs

Academic language may contain passive voice and phrasal verbs, but to a very limited amount. Phrasal verbs are not formal and therefore, don't belong in most of the academic essay types you'll be assigned. The same applies to the passive voice.

2] Don't use personal pronouns

Unless you are assigned to write a reflection essay or if your professor requested this in his instructions, try to avoid personal pronouns and contractions.

3] Create transitions between paragraphs

As a rule of thumb, you should start each paragraph with an opening sentence and end it with a closing sentence, linking it with the paragraph that follows.

If you are a fresh student who's just be assigned his first assignments , you'll have to spend some time trying to figure out the structure and the steps. But, practice makes perfect. As long as you stand by these tips and the list of steps, you should be able to finish all your essays in a timely manner.

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