Languages Magazine

ESL Explorer Kicks-off New Basic Business Preparations Seminar

By Eslexplorer @eslexplorer

ESL Explorer Kicks-off New Basic Business Preparations Seminar

This past week, ESL Explorer launched a free weekly conversation-based Business English seminar series.  Currently exclusive to UNIOS members (United Nippon-International Organization of Students) in Vancouver, plans to include other international student groups and organizations are coming soon.

ESL Explorer Kicks-off New Basic Business Preparations Seminar

The two-part series meets every Saturday focusing on getting students prepared for the working world. Part One, facilitated by James Cowan at CT Vancouver English School, looks at resume writing and interviewing. Part Two, facilitated by Frederick Lai at the ESL Explorer head offices, digs into the etiquette and philosophies of corporate culture.  Limited seating intake runs on a rolling basis every two weeks for new seminars.

ESL Explorer Kicks-off New Basic Business Preparations Seminar

More than just a conversation club, the seminars are designed to provide international students with a practical introduction to international corporations.  Students get a crash course in everything from resume writing, interviewing, day to day office life, professional and casual vocabulary, and conducting meetings.

ESL Explorer Kicks-off New Basic Business Preparations Seminar

UNIOS president, Ryan Yutaro Oka, explains, “The mission of UNIOS is to provide Japanese students the support to become Global citizens.”  ESL Explorer is glad to be a part of this vision and excited to see this Basic Business Preparations series expand to other student groups.  If you are interested in finding out how you can participate in these free business seminars, please contact [email protected] or UNIOS.

To find out more about UNIOS, goto their Facebook page.

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