Back in March 2014 I wrote a blog post entitled Estate Planners Network (EPN) Accredited Membership
EPN provide a support and development network for Will Writers and Estate Planners, offering a self-regulatory regime for its accredited members that wish to provide a professional service to their clients.
Since the last review EPN have continued to provide us with ongoing Technical Support ensuring that we are kept up to date with changes in legislation, we find their service to be invaluable, one recent example of this is a change to the Distance Selling Regulations Update that came into effect on the 13/6/2014.
The headline change in the regulations was a change from a 7 day cooling off period to a 14 day cooling off period, however as we all know things are not always this simple .
The implementation guidance from the Department for Business Innovation and skills contained a number of additional changes that required us to change our Terms of Business & Cooling Off Period documentation.
Making changes to contractual documents can be a very time consuming process but not with EPN. They not only updated us on the up and coming changes to the Distance Selling regulations.
They also provided us with new documentation templates which saved us time and allowed us to quickly comply with the DSR changes and ensure that our clients are being given the most up to date information and consumer protection.
We are pleased to be a fully accredited member of The Estate Planners Network, knowing that members of the public can use our Will Writing & Estate Planning Solutions with confidence and we are confident that when Will Writing and Estate Planning is regulated in the UK, EPN will ensure a smooth transition to becoming regulated.
Related Links
Benefits of a Professional Will Writer
Why Use an EPN Member?