Drink Magazine

Episode 14: Any Glen Will Do [or “How Do We Get Jean Smart On the Show?”]

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Episode 14: Any Glen Will Do [or “How Do We Get Jean Smart On the Show?”]https://boozedancing.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/episode-14-any-glen-will-do-or-how-do-we-get-jean-smart-on-the-show.mp3

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Episode 14 brings The Boys back together GUEST FREE(!) to catch up on what they've been watching while they've been drinking.

Jeez, they watch a lot of TV. Don't they have jobs? Prospects? Family? A life? A clue? Those are rhetorical questions. No need to answer.

Just sit back, turn on Episode 14, and relax with three guys with no jobs, prospects, lives, or clues. (though they do have families who laugh at them for losing the remote and keeping the volume too loud). Enjoy!

Show notes:

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