Drink Magazine

Episode 13: The Rum Show!

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Episode 13: The Rum Show!https://boozedancing.files.wordpress.com/2021/04/episode-13-the-rum-show-with-special-guests-dawn-and-mitch.mp3

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Grab your suitcase and load it up with all of your favorite resort wear, bathing suits, thong sandals (and thong bikinis if you're so inclined!), and plenty of SPF 15,000 sunscreen, because Episode 13 is a non-stop flight to The Caribbean, Mon!

On this extra boozy episode of What We Watch When We Drink, we talked all things rum with our very special guests, Dawn Davies, Buyer at Specialty Drinks, Ltd, and Mitch Wilson, Black Tot Global Brand Ambassador at Elixir Distillers. And instead of our usual podcast jibber-jabber, i.e. talking about TV shows and movies that we've watched, we went slightly off-book and played "If Your Favorite Rum Distillery Was a Famous Actor, Who Would They Be?" and "What ABV Would You Be?" (we're coming for you, Cards Against Humanity!). And if all THAT wasn't enough, Mitch also lead us we through a very technical deconstruction of the components of Black Tot rum...ok, we just drank them all basically and sounded like we were learning. Plus we tried the new 50th Anniversary Edition!

So yeah, things went a little off the rails, but we had a damn good time! And that's all that matters in the end. So if you're feeling brave, by all means, hit the play button on this podcast and embrace our madness. Cheers!

Show notes:

Categories: Podcast

Tagged as: Booze Dancing Media, Dawn Davies, Drinking, Interview, Liquor, Mitch Wilson, Podcast, Rum, Rum Tasting, Spirits, The Rum Show, What We Watch When We Drink

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