Debate Magazine

Enough is Enough: Hadar Cohen, Rest in Peace

Posted on the 03 February 2016 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
Times of Israel Staff and Judah Ari Gross tells us:
Hadar CohenA border Police officer succumbed to wounds suffered during a shooting and stabbing attack near Jerusalem’s Old City Wednesday, after efforts to save her life at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus failed.

The woman was identified as Hadar Cohen, 19, from Or Yehuda.

Cohen was rushed to hospital in critical condition after she was wounded in the attack shortly after 2 p.m. local time. Paramedics who treated her at the scene said she was fighting for her life.

Hospital officials said she was shot in the head. “We succeeded in stabilizing her condition for a time, but her head wound was so severe she never had a chance,” a hospital spokeswoman said.
Enough is enough, as my dear old mom used to say.
Israel needs to behave like a normal nation, a normal people, and fight back when their own children are under assault.
The basis of the conflict is nothing other than long-standing Arab-Muslim prejudice against the Jewish people. That is all that it is. The Arab people living under Jewish-Israeli rule in that small country enjoy greater civil liberties and greater opportunities for personal and financial advancement than do their own brothers and sisters throughout the rest of the Arab-Muslim Middle East.
The problem that Israeli-Arabs have living under Israeli rule is fundamentally the same problem that French and German Arabs have living under French and German rule. For reasons primarily of religion, Muslims in Europe are reluctant to assimilate and therefore sometimes create highly inhospitable neighborhoods ("No-Go Zones") for those of the ethnicity of their host countries and are managing to actually create al-Sharia courts in European cities.
Within Israel, Arab children are raised from birth to regard Jews as an Eternal Enemy that Allah enjoys the murdering of.
It is Arab-Muslim religious bigotry that is driving this conflict and until the West recognizes this fact it will go on and on and on. But, as we know, the never-ending war against the Jews in the Middle East serves the political purposes of the Arab governments. The Arab invention of a Jewish Demon serves to distract the uneducated Arab masses from their abuse by their own governments. Furthermore, the western governments have every reason to pander to Arab-Muslim anti-Jewish bigotry because there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world compared to 13 or 14 million Jews.
Anti-Semitism, and anti-Semitic violence, as Ruth Wisse reminds us, is political.
This young woman was murdered by a Palestinian-Arab for no other reason than that she was Jewish.
When vicious western-leftists imply that Arabs have good reason for killing Jews, due to the "Occupation," what they are really saying is that Jews have no rights to live in the Jewish heartland of  our ancestry, Judea and Samaria. This is precisely what UN chief, Ban Ki-moon, suggested just the other day.
When Arabs seek to murder Jews for political reasons, it is resistance.
When Arabs seek to murder non-Jews for political reasons, it is terrorism.
The real question is what should Israel do about this third intifada?... and, make no mistake, this is very definitely a third intifada, the Stabbing Intifada... the Car Ramming Intifada.

If Israel gets tough, the EU, the UN, and the Obama administration will come down upon it like a ton of bricks.
If Israel does not get tough, then violent Palestinian-Arab racists will continue to kill their children.
What would you do?

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