
Enjoy the Countryside This Spring

Posted on the 29 June 2023 by Top10
Enjoy the Countryside this Spring

Spring is a great time of the year to get outdoors - as long as you are sensible about clothing as the weather can be unpredictable! Clothing like these merino wool sweaters women and men can wear as well as sensible footwear and waterproofs are essential.

Here are some of the things to do in the countryside in the Spring...

Listen for the Dawn Chorus - This time of the year is busy for the birds and the dawn chorus is at its peak during the spring. Take an early morning walk in the countryside and listen to the sound of the birds calling in the morning, it is a joyful and uplifting experience.

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Forage for Food - For foragers, this is a great time of the year. With culinary delights everywhere for those who know where to look, for delicious wild garlic to the tasty young leaves of the hawthorn, nicknamed bread and cheese. If you are new to foraging, it is best to go with a professional who knows what they are doing, as you don't want to accidentally pick something poisonous.

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Spot Some Flowers - Spring is a time of action for the plant world too, and so many plants are starting to bloom all over the countryside at this time of the year. Wildflowers can be found everywhere, have a look along grass verges and hedgerows for milkmaids and early bee orchids, and head into the woodlands in May to see the beautiful sight of bluebells carpeting the woodland floor.

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