They said that March broke records with being the dryest month in something like 50 years but I think that April has been drier. We only seem to have had a couple of hours of very light rain all month and the plants are really beginning to show the effects. In March the sun seemed to push them forward but now many of them seem to have stopped in their tracks. I think it is just too dry and they are conserving energy. Needless to say this means that not a lot has happened in the End of Month border since my last post. Many of the plants in the border are young or were moved from other parts of the garden so I have been watering a lot in the evenings to keep them going but it all looks very dry.

However there are one or two little gems that are doing their bit on the border. Like this Aquilegia canadensis which I grew from seed last year. It doesn’t really go with the planned pink, blue and creamy white theme I had in mind for the border but as none of the flowers that will fulfill that scheme are flowering yet I think I will leave it be as it works well with a reddy pink flowered Heuchera I have just by it and a creamy white Camassia to the other side.

I love this Camassia, a photo of the whole flower stem just wouldn’t work as only the bottom buds have opened. It has a soft creaminess about it and was the plant I thought I had bought for the slope but they turned out to be more blue Camassias!

As everything is all over the place with the weather I still have some Narcissus in flower, I think these might be Tete a Tete which I had in a pot last Spring.
There is no End of Month Allotment shot this month as there is nothing much to see. I have sown seeds and planted out peas and broad beans and 1 row of potatoes are just coming up but a shot of the plot will just look like a load of bare earth with some canes in. When there is something more substantial to show I will do a post.

In the meantime I have been working hard on a new border at home and spent today lifting turf. This is normally a hard job but since my ‘turf’ is mainly moss and there are lots of tree roots in the soil it lifted fairly easily. I think I am happy with the shape but had dithered around so much that today I just decided to go for it and see what happened. I now have to wait for some serious rain as there is no chance of me being able to properly dig the border over until there is since being predominantly clay it is pretty hard at the moment. I have to say though from the angel in the photo the shape doesn’t look quite right but I think that is due to the slope – it looks right from upstairs!!!!!
Please feel free to join in the End of Month meme. Use it however you like – some people focus on one bit of their garden, others just show whatever is looking good. If you join in please post a link in the comment box so I know who you are!!