Gardening Magazine

End of Month Review June 2023

By Ozhene @papaver

June already becoming a memory - half way through and the shortest day is already receding behind us.

End of Month Review June 2023

It has been a hot and sunny June on the whole, but a couple of thunderstorms gave sufficient drenching to mean it could have been worse in terms of drought. As I dig to make new plantings, the ground is damp which is always a good sign. The front garden is looking green, and in the heart of the knot.....

End of Month Review June 2023

..... there is golden treasure, his gingerness has a new snoozing place.

End of Month Review June 2023

The warmth and the recent rain means everything is growing at a fast pace. This geranium has wound its way up at good four feet up the lilac in the front garden. I have never see it do this before and it is rather wonderful.

End of Month Review June 2023

Everything seems very lush. The containers of annual bedding are really getting into their stride now. I really enjoy planting these up with these colourful flowers and they do a good job of attracting pollinators. Spot the Tim who was following me around the garden as I was taking these photographs.

End of Month Review June 2023

The Courtyard is looking lush too. I am very pleased with these pelagoniums that overwintered well and are flowering their little socks off.

End of Month Review June 2023

The begonias are enjoying being outsidefor the summer.

End of Month Review June 2023

The Butterfly Border is currently dominated by these self-sown verbascums.

End of Month Review June 2023

In the woodlandborder the Amicia zygormeris, one of my very favourite shrubs, is growing well. Maybe this will be the year that it flowers....

End of Month Review June 2023

and the Edgeworthia chrysantha seems happy too. I usually fuss over this shrub in the winter hoping it does not get too cold, but I nearly lost it in last year's drought so now I just worry all year round.

End of Month Review June 2023

Two of the 'dead' Euphorbia mellifera have started to show signs of life. This means out of the five, maybe only two are dead after all, but I still haven't given up on them just yet.

End of Month Review June 2023

In the hinterland of the Exotic Border, a couple of the hostas planted last year have died, but most have survived. They have enjoyed the recent rain.

End of Month Review June 2023

and the hydrangea quercifolia, that hardly ever gets a mention despite being a really good plant, it having a very good year.

End of Month Review June 2023

These tithonia are doing very well, they have suddenly decided to grow tall.

End of Month Review June 2023

and three of the four tree ferns in this border are doing well. Newby I think might be a gonna but I keep watering him and whispering words of love just in case there is a spark of life.

End of Month Review June 2023

This corner of the Pond Border is coming into its own, it becomes a good pink froth of a space.

End of Month Review June 2023

and the lawn is full of self-heal. I always enjoy its purple phase.

End of Month Review June 2023

The Smell me and Dye Garden is coming along well. At the forefront of the photo you will see the big green leaves of what I think is perennial spinach that have self-seeded from last year. I am going to remove most of them, I left them as weed supressant.

End of Month Review June 2023

This part of the garden is really making me happy. There are the pretty chrysanths, poppies and the marigolds are just starting to flower. It is the jumble I was hoping for.

End of Month Review June 2023

The madder is growing well too, with added nasturiums.

End of Month Review June 2023

There is some veg growing, I have potatoes growing in these bags.

End of Month Review June 2023

and peas are starting to develop. I love growing peas.

End of Month Review June 2023

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