I know, a little late but better late than never. How come 2025 is flying by already!

December ended cold and frosty and has continued into the new year in this way. It is a delight to find the Mahonia in the driveway flowering away nicely.

The new front lawn, with barrier reinforcement provided by Esme, is cold but doing well. Once we get a bit of dryness and a frost free day or so I will give it its first trim.

and the snowdrops by the new side gate are emerging. This is more than I expected as I thought they would not survive the upheaval. They are tough that is for sure.

In the Smell Me and Dye Garden the onions and garlic are frozen but not beaten. I am intending on growing more veg this year and growing it better. Last year was probably the most disasterous veg year I have had so this year I am determined to do better.

The madder is also frozen, let's hope it re-emerges in the Spring. This year the roots should be big enough to have a go at dyeing with. I am very excited by this thought.

The formal lawn - the Long Shoot - is crispy,

On these cold still days the Daphne Jacqueline Postill in the Coal Bunker Border is spreading her scent around the garden. She is a delight. She is also getting a bit big so will need a prune.

and the sedums that dot their way rhythmically along the Pond Border are providing excellent structure.

The Courtyard Garden is feeling a bit chilly.

In the lawn in the Wild Garden the snowdrops are emerging,

and in the snowdrop border where the special ladies live, Madeleine is emerging well. What was originally two bulbs is now a veritable clump! - well at least a clumpette.

In the Spring Border Gary is having a snooze, the faintest breath of wind and he topples, I will have to find a way to make him more stable.

In the Wild Garden the twisted lazel is looking amazing. This shrub is now getting on for six foot tall, I must have had this shrub a good twenty years though it did live in a pot for the first few years until I arrived in this garden.

The hamamelis is starting to flower.

and the Winter Honeysuckle is also providing wonderful scent.

At the very top of the garden the Cyclamen coum are doing very well. Just a couple of pots has led to this wonderful patch that also has spread itself through the garden courtesy of the many ants that take its sticky seeds on trips.

The tree ferns are shivering, but their crowns are stuffed so I am hopeful they will be ok.

The pond is full, I would be worried if it wasn't as we have had so much rain. There has been quite a bit of flooding not far from here and parts of the garden have been more puddled than usual. If the pond had needed water it would mean it had a leak.