This Original multicast drama blends history with fiction to tell the story of Jonah, a young apprentice from London who raises himself from poverty by wit and luck to become one of the most powerful merchants of the age.
A true rags-to-riches tale, Jonah's journey spans the breadth of human experience, from the intricacies of Edward III's political intrigues to the cutthroat world of international trade, from the triumphs of war to the agonies of personal loss - love, friendship, joy, heartbreak and glory. Set largely in London - the Scarlet City - the centre of medieval England, this is a thrilling portrait of the age and the people who made it so rich, colourful and extraordinary.
London 1348: a brutaltime of backstabbing and lethal politics, a world that Jonah Durham is nowfirmly a part of. Jonah's growing family establishes an export monopoly oncloth, and the honour is bestowed on him to run the office of Alderman.Suddenly an unknown disease breaks out: The Plague manifests in every familyand every household. A fierce battle against the disease begins and changes thecourse of Jonah's life forever.
(Audible Audio, 5 April 2018, audiobook,7 hours 11 minutes, various narrators, Audible)
Things get pretty dicey in this final volume of ScarletCity. The story of Jonah and the rest of the characters come full circle.My heart was in my throat when Jonah's long feud with his evil cousin Rupertand the hatred between him and his father-in-law almost has the direst ofconsequences. Jonah underestimated how much both these men hated him. The firsttwo parts Apprentice and Rise had a lot more violence in them andwere a bit darker. Empire was definitely slightly calmer. The seriesends on several, perhaps predictable happy notes but I still loved it. ScarletCity has made me enjoy historical fiction a lot more. I guess audiobooksare a good way to enjoy this genre. Scarlet City has been totallyengrossing.