Current Magazine

eMoov 2016 Estate Agency Success

Posted on the 15 March 2017 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

We, at, feel grateful for attaining a certain level of success in 2016. We didn’t expect it. While we have ups and downs, we’re glad that many people still trusted our services. If you’re one of them, thank you so much. We appreciate it. Here are some of the highlights of our success in 2016:

1. Three thousand one hundred press mentions.
2. Seventy-one percent revenue increase.
3. Three thousand five hundred home sales.
4. Nineteen million pounds customer fee savings.
5. Rated as UK’s number one estate agent!
6. Thirty-two thousand four hundred viewings arranged.

Everyone has their success. It could be personal, business, or career goals, whatever. Bu remember, success can mean differently for anyone. This means, your success doesn’t automatically mean the success for everyone. For us, success is being effective at helping people ease their real-estate related transactions. Do you know what success really means to you?

estate agent success


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