Entertainment Magazine

Emmy Wish List: Best Supporting Actress in a Drama

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

1) Michelle Fairley (Game of Thrones)

It’s time that the ladies of Game of Thrones be recognized for their outstanding work. And, not to get too spoilery… but some actresses won’t be in contention next season… so pick the right one to recognize this season.

2) Hayden Panettiere (Nashville)

I honestly can’t stand Nashville as a series. I think it’s too soapy, and filled with a lot of really bland characters… except Juliette Barnes. Hayden has taken a Taylor Swift-esh character and given her so many dimension she’s a freaking prism. If the series gets any better, I’d love to tune back in and see what Hayden is up to, because the material she was being given was far better than anyone elses on that show.

3) Abigail Spencer (Rectify)

If you missed Rectify (which you probably did), then you missed Spencer’s breakthrough performance as the sister of a possible killer, as someone who never gave up faith in her brother’s innocence, and fought to get him justice her whole life. It’s not the showiest role on my list, but it’s the most real.

4) Madeline Stowe (Revenge)

This season, she’s really grown more emotionally. She’s not as cold, and often shows sign that she might actually be human. This would be the season to recognize her for.

5) Chandra Wilson (Grey’s Anatomy)

Wilson took what could have been “just another Grey’s Anatomy arc” about her infecting patients, and turned it into a tour-de-force performance from an actress many may have forgotten about because her show is considered past its prime. The show, maybe. But her? Definitely not.

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