Culture Magazine

Elite Force B.R.I. (2025) Movie Review

By Newguy

Elite Force B.R.I. – Movie Review

Elite Force B.R.I. (2025) Movie Review

First Reaction – Elite Force B.R.I. is the typical late-night action movie.

Watch Elite Force B.R.I.

On digital 20 January from Reel 2 Reel Films

Director: Roman Elpidio

Writer: Danny Darren, Jadey Duffield, Roman Elpidio (Screenplay)


Plot: Homeless ex-soldiers from around the world are kidnapped and shipped to a mad scientist in London England who has plans to repair, restore and send them on dangerous missions to take vengeance against corruption around the world.

Runtime: 1 Hour 30 Minutes 

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Elite Force B.R.I. starts when a scientist Dr Marco (Belfrage) kidnaps homeless ex-soldiers, Kawa (Darren), Jesse (Duffield) and Jasper (Strange). He wants to help rebuilding and other soldiers who return injured from conflict. His idea is to make super-soldiers. However, when people start bidding for his work, he uses them to take on the people using corruption.

The new soldiers redevelop their skills and go on a vengeance-filled rampage against powerful soldiers showing their new strengths to overcome the odds.

Verdict on Elite Force B.R.I.


The movie follows a group of enhanced soldiers fighting back against their creator. It follows their journey to recover and become strong, as they look to become the unstoppable fighting machines.

Best Parts

This brings us a new vision of the Universal Soldier theory, only this time things don’t spiral out of control. It uses this idea to build on the wider corruption in the world and how powers that be always want more control. The action sequences are good, with the range of fight scenes bringing us up close and personal with the vengeance trip.

Worst Parts

The movie does have good action, but some of the effects can be seen as clear CGI splatters. Elsewhere, it teases diving into traumatic things the soldiers experienced, but never seems to give them a moment to make up amends against the people who wronged them.

Final ThoughtsElite Force B.R.I. is an entertaining late-night action movie.

Elite Force B.R.I. (2025) Movie Review

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