THE NEXT BIT IS PURE SPECULATION and I haven't looked into the scientific application of using electricity to wipe a person's brain, let alone wipe the collective memory of an era of people, but I'm going to progress with my word-salad.
What if...
...all around the world monuments made using technology that seems VERY CONTEMPORARY like perfectly symmetrical quartz-laden marble sculptures with tools that couldn't cut through that are smoothed to a glass-like sheen, organic polymer concrete, circular saws that appear to be wafer thin yet able to slide through granite cuboids to fom the sarchophogii or the Nile Delta... 100 and 200 tonnes block quarrying and movement to temple... whole temples carved out of a limestone hillside.... I mean, the list goes on.
We're supposed to have got to the point we are at now (technologically) after some long haul out of a basic hunter-gatherer existence some three thousand years ago. We suspect that the great archeological discoveries showing Advanced Tech were from a lost race, or a visiting alien race. But what if WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO BUILT THOSE FANTASTIC PALACES back in history.
Electric Universe suggests that (at some point in our recent human history) Mars, Venus and Saturn had a much more intimate (plasmatic exchange of electricity) relationship than they have today. I don't want to regurgigate stuff I've already talked about, suffice to say, "Could those electric process, that happened on a planetary scale, somehow have WIPED WHOLE RACES of the technical knowledge they'd built up as societies?"
Can the Human Race be rewritten by 'some pungent broadcast technology' and is this what happened (maybe many times) in Human History, we forgot who we were. Not from trauma, and not some alien tech, but just FORGETTING how clever we'd become, no longer able to do the things we could do yesterday, even reading, all records lost, even though they were right there under our brain-drained noses?
I realize the irony of posting htis from the microwave-poison environment of WIFI.