Humor Magazine

Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) Own

By Bestfunnyblog @bestfunnyblog

The Baby You Can Shave

Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) OwnFirst off- babies are (usually) born without hair. Why is Japan adding hair to fake babies for children to shave?


Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) OwnNo- this isn’t a mass storage device. Plug “it” into your computer and every time you hit the “H” key, its eyes light up. Question is- why was this was ever manufactured? I don’t know, but I want one.

The Doll w/ Amputated Appendages

Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) OwnW.T.F ?? No comment.

Dissection Kit

Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) Own

Gross. Even if this was one of those “at home” dissection science projects for kids- why is the provided specimen a baby kitty?!

Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) OwnYou stick your finger in, it makes a pixilated image, and you can poke shit. It’s completely lame. Where do I get one?

Sorry I Am Unintentional

Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) OwnFirst of all- what is this? I’m assuming it meant to say “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take a shit in the toilet and not flush….but actually I did because I’m cute and have a bedazzled headband”

Do it Yourself Vasectomy

Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) Own

This one is a joke but it needed to be included. It’s a magnet set. Great for the refrigerator. Highly inappropriate.

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