Diaries Magazine

Effective Parenting 102

By Nicoleao @momfever

Schermafbeelding 2013-12-26 om 09.43.33‘We’re going for a nice, family walk!’ I told the kids. And I felt a bit sweaty while delivering my message. Because I know my kids…

‘It will be great fun!!!’ I added against my better judgment.

But sure enough, the kids started a revolt, saying they didn’t want to go.

‘If you’re not coming, you’ll have to come to church with me!’ I heard myself threaten.
Immediately the kids fell silent. And sullenly they went to put on their shoes and jackets. I was pleasantly surprised that my empty threat proved to be so effective!

So all Christmas long, whenever the kids were not playing nice I said: ‘Do you wanna go to church?! Do you?!’ And then they cowered and whispered with tears in their eyes: ‘Noooo mommy, we’ll be good!’

I’m not sure what’s worse. A mom keeping her kids in line with threats of going to church, or the fact that the promise threat of going to church is so effective…

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