Normally, women have a monthly cycle of 25 to 28 days, but many times a premature period occurs, sometimes it is too late. The reason for this can be due to deteriorated life style, unsymmetrical diet and stress, but if the periods are irregular then the stress increases even more. Doctors do not recommend medication for this too soon. That is why today we are telling you such domestic tips which will solve your irregular period.
This could be the reason:
Irregular menstruation or period is a common problem in women. There can be many reasons for this, poor lifestyle, unbalanced eating, anemia, menopause, weight gain or occurrence, hormonal problems etc. Also, menstrual irregularities can occur due to hormonal problems at the time of menstruation and before menopause. By the way, many types of medicines are available in the market to get rid of this problem. But with the help of home remedies also you can get rid of this problem.
You can adopt these home remedies
Sesame and Jaggery - Molasses is considered to be a better source of iron and sesame contains lignin as well as essential fatty acids, which helps in curing any hormonal problems. This provides the necessary heat to the body so that menstruation can occur on time. For this, dry roast a handful of sesame seeds, then grind it with a small spoon of jaggery and make it like a powder. After that two weeks before the start of menstruation, eat one small spoon of this mixture on an empty stomach every day. Do this for a few months. Eating jaggery can also cure irregular menstruation. Do not use this powder during menstruation.
Turmeric is also effective - Turmeric is a spice that not only helps in regularizing your menstruation but also helps in getting rid of hormonal problems. Its emmenagogue quality helps to overcome menstrual problems. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help in relieving pain during menstruation. For this, pour one fourth teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk and you can add some honey or jaggery to taste it. You can drink it for a few weeks until you get rid of the problem. You can also use turmeric for normal eating.
Cinnamon - It is better to find a cure in your kitchen by turning to allopathic medicines for regularizing irregular periods. Periods can be regularized only from materials used in everyday life. Cinnamon kept in the kitchen can prove to be a panacea in it. Along with regularizing the periods, it is also beneficial in protecting from pain during this period. Not only this, the hydroxychalcone present in it maintains insulin levels during periods.
Include - Mix half a teaspoon of fresh cinnamon in a glass of milk and include it regularly in your routine. If you cannot drink it by adding it to milk, it can also be included in many other ways. For example, tea, you can make your routine by putting food in it or by chewing its wood.
Ginger or dry ginger (ginger) - Ginger or dry ginger is also considered helpful in regularizing periods. It is beneficial in correcting the flow of periods and reducing pain. You can also eat it raw or drink its juice. Both remedies will help in bringing your periods on time. You can also add ginger tea to your routine.
Include this - grate ginger and place it in a steel bowl. Put some water in it and keep it on the gas. Put some sugar in it and turn off the gas after five minutes. Drink hot and do this regularly.
Raw Papaya - Raw Papaya is the treatment of Rambana treatment to remove irregularities in periods due to stress and menopause. The nutritious elements present in it like iron, keratin, calcium, vitamin A and C work to deliver fiber to the contracted muscles of the womb. Eat raw papaya or drink its juice for a few months and see for yourself the magic of raw papaya.
Just include - A few days before the period comes, start eating raw papaya. Cut small pieces of papaya into a bowl. Add a spoonful of yogurt on top of it and include it in the breakfast. Try to have it as a regular breakfast snack.
Tamarind or Sour Foods - To keep your menstrual cycle regular, sour foods like tamarind can be included in your life. Tamarind has proved to be very true in such a situation.
Include this: Soak tamarind in water with sugar for one hour. Now add salt, sugar and powdered cumin powder to it. Take this tasty and effective drink once in two days.
Chakundar or beetroot - Chakundar contains many essential nutrients and iron, folic acid, etc., which are effective in regularizing irregular menstruation. These help in correcting the balance of hormones, so try to get regular chunkodars included in your diet.
This is included - Chakundar is considered to be the best for both health and periods. You can include it in your routine in many ways. Salad, vegetable or its juice can be taken out and drunk. Also, you can grate grated honey in curd.
Boil one spoon of coriander seeds in two cups of water and filter the seeds and drink this water. Along with correcting the irregularities of periods, pain will also be relieved.
Drinking buttermilk in summer is like drinking nectar but it also cures irregular periods. Please tell that the buttermilk contains nutrients like calcium, potassium, protein and vitamin-B.
Ayurvedic treatment for irregular periods
Stri Poshak Syrup
This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients like:
- Ashok chall (Saraca asoca)
- Lodhar chall (Symlocos racemosa)
- Khadir chall (Acacia catechu)
- Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
- Patrang (Caesalpinia sappan)
- Mochras (Salmalia malabarica)
- Mulathi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
- Daru Haldi (Berberis aristata), etc.
This herbal syrup is very beneficial in menstrual cramps. The ingredient used in this syrup restore the natural menstrual flow during the menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle.This syrup is very beneficial in female infertility. It helps to cure Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It also relieves stress, anxiety, and tension.
Recommended Dosage - Take 2 teaspoonful twice a day with normal water.
Kanchnaar Guggul
It is one of the very efficient Ayurvedic herbal medicine that contain ingredients like
- Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata)
- Shunti (Zingiber officinale)
- Maricha (Piper nigrum)
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
- Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), etc.
Kanchnaar guggul is mainly administrated in the cysts.These tablet are used in the condition of dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia. It is the best medicine for the Rakta - Shodaka.These tablets are very beneficial for hormonal imbalance. It enhances female reproductive health and infertility.
Recommended Dosage -Take 2 tablets twice a day with normal water.
Woman power tablet
It is a complete health supplement for women who are best for female health and vital energy. It helps to build up the immunity. This is a pure herbo mineral product of the best quality herbs. The herbs used are Ashoka, Shatavari, anatmool, etc. These are herbs used since ancient times to maintain female health metabolism. It works well in the reproductive system and other health-related disorders. The extract of these herbs is used which provides multiple health benefits. These herbs have the potential to improve female health and libido. The main Ingredients Rajah pravarthini vati, Femine care tablet, Shatavar extract, Ashoka chall extract, Ashwagandha extract, Giloy extract. It shows a great effect on menopausal women. It works well in hot flushes and mood swings. It regulates the female menstrual cycle, relieve menstrual pain, Used in leucorrhea is excessive discharge from the vagina, excessive menstruation, painful menstruation and delayed menstruation the herbs can alleviate almost every female problem when used for a long, regular period.
Dosage - 1 tab twice daily after meal.
Woman Champion
CAC Woman Champion is purely herbal and ayurvedic formulation. It is a very effective tonic for women and help to maintain their health. It balances all the doshas of body and also maintain hormone levels . It contains herbs like Lodhra, Manjishta, Ashok chaal, Punarnava,Shatavar,Bala,Daruharidra,Nagarmotha that help women typically with mood changes, stress, headache and pain. CAC Women champion helps in leading a life of minimum discomfort during those difficult days every month. It act as antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, uterine tonic and immunity booster.