Family Magazine

Education in Kuwait; Nurseries and Schools.

By Umkhaloodie

When my hubby and I first got married, we were literally broke (he was a student and me on an NQT salary), I didn’t despise those around me that had more than me infact quite the opposite, I would still have given those that needed it my last fil. That’s just me. Now, today, el7umdella, we are more than content, so much so that I don’t actually have to work although, I do miss the classroom…. The ‘stay at home housewife’ thing, well, that isn’t going to last forever.
Once both my kids are at school, we will need two salaries. Fees here average out at about 6,500 US dollars (1800kd) a year, per child. It isn’t cheap. We already pay that for Oods and he is only in nursery. I wouldn’t have it any other way, he needs nursery, he needs to interact with other kids his age (although he is in the class above with 3.5 – 4.5 yr olds) and grow. He is like a sponge, mashallah, takes in everything.

So, why is the education system so expensive in Kuwait? Is it good value for money? Are the schools FULLY equipped? Do the schools offer everything they say they will offer? Don’t just hand over money without looking into everything deeper.
El7umdella, Oods nursery is one of the best. They are fully equipped and even have an onsite splash pool for the kids in summer.
I won’t name it here for obvious reasons (no-one needs to know where my child goes to school!) but, if any mums want to ask about good nurseries, you can email me!

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