Beauty is a value that for many centuries has been undisputed and seen as important as truth or bravery. Over the last century or so, beauty and overall the aesthetic aspect of life has been made to take a few steps back... or more steps back. Interestingly enough, as creative endeavors multiply, aesthetic criteria seem to go down.
In fashion, as in many other creative fields, there are always those striving for the true meaning of beauty and their work is highly important. On Attire Club, we introduced circa 2013 the term "metafashion", which we described as everything one does before and after dressing up. Because style is an attitude, the clothes and accessories one wears and the way they choose to groom themselves is just half of what constitutes a person's style. True style comes from within and achieving an interior state of true value can be done in many ways. Cultivating your soul with only the best is a way of obtaining a strong attitude. Hence, all the things you do and all the things you surround yourself with should be (to the maximum of your possibilities) the best you can get. Having extremely high standards does not hurt either. Our physical presence is connected in manners many of us don't even realize to our spiritual state. Thus, the objects that surround us, the objects we use and wear and the things we do, listen to or say should all serve to us challenging ourselves to be the best.
In a world that is full of chaos and suffering, it is beauty, both internal and external, that clears the waters and brings us home.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. We want to hear from you! How do you define beauty? Do you see aesthetics as a value? Why? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!