In one sense, Ecuador is in the middle – the Equator runs all the way through its center. However, in terms of what you can find there, it is more likely to be wild and wacky, rather than middle of the road. Let me illustrate with some photos from a recent trip.
Firstly, in terms of altitude and temperature, well, Ecuador includes both chilly snow-capped volcanoes and mountains that form part of the Andes over 6000m to long sandy beaches baking under a bright blue sky.

Next, what about plants? Well, it is possible to find fungi that is not dark and shapeless but white and lace-like.

Or flowers and berries that defy the imagination in terms of textures and colours they put forward.

We came across insects which could have come from a ‘Lost World’: giant earthworms a meter long, odd clunky stick insects and vast but beautiful moths.

And I haven’t even got started on the birds. We managed to see over 400 different species whose plumage covered all the colours of the rainbow and astounded us with their minute or momentous scale.

Finally, a spotlight on the food, which ranged from the traditional and ‘homely’ to concoctions perhaps inspired by nouvelle cuisine.