Farmer’s Choice are an online butchers, green grocers and deli that deliver completely free range, British meats and produce to homes across the UK. As a guest author on their page today I am offering up two delicious recipes for March. I just know you are going to love these!

First we have a really delicious stew just in time for Saint Patricks Day on the 17th. A Simple Irish Stew which is a really fabulous way to celebrate your Irishness on St. Patties! Not only is it delicious but it's really simple to make and of course you can purchase almost all of your ingredients from the people at Farmer's Choice.

If you are looking to do a bit of entertaining in March and are looking for something special to serve. Look no further. Bacon Wrapped Salmon Fillets is a delicious and simple way to feed your guest something which is not only really attractive, but also easy and quick to make. Succulent salmon fillets, topped with a sprig of thyme, wrapped in Bacon and baked to perfection. So impressive and yet so simple.
Not only will you find these and other recipes on the Farmer's Choice site, but you will also be able to purchase a quantity of the ingredients necessary to prepare all of the recipes you will find there. All the convenience of online grocery shopping with the added pleasure of supporting your local farmers. Quality ingredients at a good price, British sourced and home grown. You can't get much better than that!