Self Expression Magazine
Eat, Pray, Love is a new post I'll be doing every Friday for a little last-minute inspiration and information before Shabbat kicks off. Eat will cover—wait for it—food, either a recipe or a kosher eatery. Because let's face it: As a single girl, sometimes cooking/baking is one part credit card, one part delivery. Pray will be a space for closer inspection of Jewish prayers to boost kavannah and/or prayer requests. By all means, send them in! Finally, Love will be about something I'm currently loving or a way to share love. There is room for both, n'est-ce pas?
Eat: I love this blog! Who else starts eating hamantaschen a month before Purim? This former shiksa right here does.
Pray: Please keep Naomi bat Rosalia in your prayers. Beautiful writing as always by my friend Ruchi.
Love: I don't celebrate Valentine's Day, but that doesn't stop me from buying rose-scented treats all day, er'ry day. I am obsessed with this hand cream. Not only does it give me an instant lift this time of year, but now my gloves smell amazing, too.
Good Shabbos!
xo cbg
Eat: I love this blog! Who else starts eating hamantaschen a month before Purim? This former shiksa right here does.
Pray: Please keep Naomi bat Rosalia in your prayers. Beautiful writing as always by my friend Ruchi.
Love: I don't celebrate Valentine's Day, but that doesn't stop me from buying rose-scented treats all day, er'ry day. I am obsessed with this hand cream. Not only does it give me an instant lift this time of year, but now my gloves smell amazing, too.
Good Shabbos!
xo cbg