These are some recommendations of the CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to consume Eat and Drink Safely for Travelers For more information you can consult directly with the official page that you detail below
Unclean food and water can cause travelers diarrhea and other diseases. Reduce your risk by sticking to safe food and water habits.
- Food that is cooked and served hot
- Hard-cooked eggs
- Fruits and vegetables you have washed in clean water or peeled yourself
- Pasteurized dairy products
- Food served at room temperature
- Food from street vendors
- Raw or soft-cooked (runny) eggs
- Raw or undercooked (rare) meat or fish
- Unwashed or unpeeled raw fruits and vegetables
- Unpasteurized dairy products
Food Tips to keep in mind
- Thawed foods that still have ice crystals can be re-frozen or cooked. If not, throw them away.
- The following should be done with food or containers that may have been in contact with contaminated water
You should also not eat foods that have these characteristics
- Foods that have unusual smell, color or texture.
- Canned foods or containers that are swollen, open or dented.
- Foods that are not in airtight containers or cans
- Canned food at home
- Food in packages with screw cap failures, snap caps, indented caps, half-screw caps, flip caps and caps that
open with button.
- Tap or well water
- Ice made with tap or well water
- Drinks made with tap or well water (such as reconstituted juice)
- Unpasteurized milk
If you do not know if it is suitable for consumption.
- Never wash dishes, eating utensils, toys or other objects if It does not know if the water used is suitable for consumption.
- Never bathe if you do not know if the water used is suitable for consumption.
- Never cook with water if you do not know if it is suitable for consumption.
- Never brush your teeth with water if you don't know if the water used is Suitable for consumption.
- Never make ice with water if you don't know if the water used is suitable for consume.
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