It's snowing in Colorado for the second day in a row. It's not amounting to much but still; it is snow and clearly winter is coming. We typically have nice fall weather, albeit with pretty chilly nights, until after Halloween. Is this it? I hope not; I still have some tulips to plant and yard cleanup to do; it just can't be! I have been busy with lots of home projects including Fall decorating and I've added to my collection of pumpkins and am so pleased with how this table turned out; it will be good from now until the day after Thanksgiving!
This early chill is a bit disconcerting thought; I am a fanatic about some things and conserving energy is one of them. I cannot remember when I've turned my furnace on before November 1st and I'm not about to this year. So I survive with an OLD favorite men's sweater, some thick socks, multiple blankets, and lovely, warming food. This dish fit the bill perfectly.
This easy and warming chicken recipe was first published on my blog what seems an eternity ago; in 2010. An old friend, Jamie Schler, had just been a part of a food blogger conference in London (lucky!) and had shared this wonderful dish made by the equally lovely Meeta from
I am crazy about curry...especially since the opening of a local spice shop that offers the freshest and best spices I stopped in my tracks and had to make this dish stat! I also love this Japanese Curry when I'm in the mood; but it requires carrots and potatoes, not something I always have on hand; so this was very up my alley. Easy is key; it comes together quickly; especially since I usually make it when I've got leftover chicken instead of starting with fresh chicken parts like Jamie and Meeta did.
I've become so enamored with Indian food and you're going to see more of it on these pages. Honestly; find a good spice resource and the rest is easy; Savory Spice Shop is now online so anything I can get, you can too if you can't find it locally. I do think using a good blend of spices for your curry seasoning is important; the can at the grocery store pales in comparison to a good product. Honestly, once you find a resource for some spices and hot peppers...almost anything Indian is possible!
Evidence of how much this appealed to me all those years ago? I had a party planned that evening with 30 guests and I was making something that I didn't plan to serve to them...was I nuts?
I was lucky to have JUST (I mean, that morning!) cooked some chicken thighs but I'll also use a roasted chicken and shred it. I don't know about you but it seems I will often get inspiration from food expiration dates, as in, OMG it's going to go bad, I HAVE to cook something with it and that did get me moving yesterday morning. I've been in an Indian mood lately and I can't deny that choosing this dish was partly to replace the really old, really bad photographs that were living in these blog pages.
I used to include the old photos when I did a redo but I would sort of like to forget that period when I knew absolutely nothing about food photography and was using an old point and shoot camera. Just trust me, they're bad. If you click on that link above for Japanese Curry, you'll see. It's next!
I didn't know when I threw the chicken in a pot of water with onion, celery and garlic that later that morning I would have the delicious aroma of curry wafting through the house later in the day - but that's exactly what did happen and with the chicken already cooked...this was soooo easy. Jamie's recipe used whole chicken pieces but I've revised it to suit my already cooked chicken. So easy and so good, thanks ladies!