Diaries Magazine

Earth-friendly Freebies, Godly Goodness and Elephant Love

By Saratpierce
Happy hump day all! Normally I should be doing something to recognize WEDNESDAY or even following through with my Thoughts From Tuesday posts {which I might be tossing to the curb and switching up a bit... stay tuned} but instead I'm going to soar right over Wednesday and Thursday to Friday, April 22... a very VERY special day. 
I mean, let's be honest, EVERY Friday is a special day because it kick starts the weekend. But that's a given.This Friday, however, is SUPER DOOOPER special for three fantastic reasons:

1. It's GOOD FRIDAY!      This will be my FIRST Good Friday as a Catholic and I'm quite excited. This time last year I was finishing up my RCIA classes and preparing for my confirmation into the Catholic Church. I won't get all Jesus, Mary and Joseph on you, but I did want to extend an invite to my fellow Catholics, especially you ladies. A friend of mine sent me this e-mail and I instantly thought it would be a fantastic way to come together in faith and honor the day.

Hi Everyone,Imagine what might happen if every Catholic in the world would pray a Rosary on the same day!We have an example in October of 1573, when Europe was saved from the invasion of the mighty Turkish fleet, by the praying of the Rosary by all Christians!So, on Good Friday, let us all pray a Rosary for peace in the world and the return of moral values into our communities.If possible, please pray your Rosary between Noon and 3:00 p.m.Let's unite in praying one of the most powerful prayers in existence, for these intentions, on one of the holiest days in our Church year.God bless us all!

So if you happen to have a Rosary lying around, even if you haven't prayed it in a while, I invite you to join me in praying it sometime between noon and 3:00 pm on Friday! If you aren't Catholic at all but would like to send out a similar prayer of your own, please join in!

Earth-friendly freebies, Godly goodness and elephant love

My first Rosary. Purchased at the Vatican, blessed by the Pope and given to me by my sweet, sweet hubby after his trip to Europe the summer before we were married.

Earth-friendly freebies, Godly goodness and elephant love

Close up of first Rosary {right} and another from the Vatican that was given to me by Z's cousins after their trip to Rome.

2. It's EARTH DAY!YAY EARTH! Love ya, mean it!While I'm all about conserving energy, planting trees, recycling and saving the polar bears I have a shallow confession for why I'm excited about Earth Day 2011. Starbucks {drool} is doing it's part to ENCOURAGE recycling and conservation by offering FREE brewed coffee or tea {hot and iced} for everyone who brings in a reusable mug or tumbler.      "Why are we doing this? We recognize the impact one can make through careful, conscious choices. So we want to encourage and reward those of you who use tumblers or travel mugs in your daily routines. You’re helping to reduce our environmental impact!" - Sue L., Manager, Global ResponsibilityWAY TO GO STARBUCKS!

SO caffeine lovers, swing by Starbucks with your reusable mug or tumbler and get your morning jolt while helping save the Earth! 
RSVP that you plan to participate on Facebook so they can track the success!p.s. go see African Cats in theaters this weekend and a portion of the proceeds will go to Save The Savanna.  

Earth-friendly freebies, Godly goodness and elephant love

Saving the world one mochafrappaskinnyventicappachaiccino at a time! {photo from Heungsub Lee} 

3. It's the OPENING DAY OF WATER FOR ELEPHANTS!!!!The time is finally here and I can hardly contain my excitement. I know I've shared a number of images and trailers already but there's no harm in one more, eh?


I'm hoping I can actually catch it this weekend. Z would probably kick me out of the house if I went to see it without him so it all depends on his dolphin schedule. {ha, I love that I'm NOT kidding!} 
BUT, dear friends, I URGE you go snag your ticket and see what it SURE to be a fantastic film {if it's not I will be having swords words with director Frances Lawrence}. If you haven't read the book yet, get it immediately and dive right in. You won't be able to put it down. And as a personal recommendation that I've shared with a few of my fellow blogger friends who have also mentioned the book and movie on their blogs, if you can get your hands on the audio book, please do! I'm usually not one for audio books, I prefer to turn the pages in my hands as I read, but David LeDoux and John Randolph Jones were PERFECTLY chosen to read the story and do so with such poise and passion. It's definitely worth having a listen!
YAY Friday! Please get here quickly!
Until next time...
Tell me about your Friday plans and anything that makes it SPECIAL.

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