
E-commerce Hack: How to Find Good SEO Keywords in 10 Minutes

Posted on the 20 May 2022 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Marketing tools evolve all the time, but there are also a few trusty constants. For example, marketers still rely on SEO Keywords to drive traffic and boost search ranks.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s what drives traffic from browsers like Google into your website. But SEO can’t be effective without high-ranking keywords.

Want to learn how to find them?

Today, we’ll tell you how to find and choose the best SEO Keywords to improve your online visibility.

Let’s dive right in!

What are SEO Keywords?

As we said, SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. Its goal is to drive online visibility on search engines like Bing, Google, and even Amazon.

SEO keywords are words or phrases that users type in to find specific websites. These terms get your website to show up in Google and other search engines.

There are two key types of SEO keywords brands invest in: frontend and backend keywords.

  1. Frontend terms are the phrases that customers can see. They appear on your content, such as blog posts and product descriptions.
  2. Backend keywords are ‘hidden’ search terms. Customers can’t see them, but they still help to boost your online visibility.

Both types of SEO keywords help connect customers to your website. This is because keywords can help sellers create content that users want to explore.

In other words, keywords drive customer engagement, which in turn drives sales. But first, you need to know what your target audience is looking for.

What is Keyword Research?

All ecommerce brands should create a list of relevant SEO keywords. This is a crucial step to attract customers, but also to drive conversion rates.

Without relevant SEO keywords, you’ll have a hard time ranking. You’ll likely end up on the second or third page of a search, which translates to poor sales.

The goal is to appear up top on the first page, and for that, you need to include strong search terms. And to find the best search terms, you need to conduct some keyword research.

This is the process of picking out the best keywords to attract users to your online store. It can also uncover some other great metrics.

For example:

  • Current marketing trends
  • Search and traffic volume
  • Profitable niche queries
  • Competition usage

Keyword research can help sellers learn what users search for online. Therefore, it’s a path to understand what customers want, and what they care about.

E-commerce Hack: How to find good SEO keywords in 10 minutes
find good SEO keywords

How to Choose Keywords for SEO

There are two key tenets to conducting keyword research:

  1. Relevance. Do not use the most keywords; go for relevance instead. Find and select keywords related to what you can offer to customers. It’s all about SEO value.
  2. Volume. Using unique keywords with low search volumes is ineffective. The goal is to choose SEO Keywords with high-relevance, but low competition.

Always keep those tenets in mind when conducting the following keyword research strategies.

Start Off with a Manual Search

Think up of some key terms or topics you’d like to rank for. Focus on what’s important for your brand to communicate. This will guide your search for relevant keywords.

Also, think of your target audience. Who are they? What do they want? This will help you come up with the best terms to start off your research.

Now type those terms in Google, and write down the autocomplete results. These are the most popular keywords used by users.

Check in on the Competition

Take note of your direct competitors’ search ranks. Chances are they are using similar terms to yours. But they could also boast some keywords you haven’t thought of.

So, review the SEO keywords the competition uses. Then, compare it to your own keyword list to narrow down your list.

Don’t Just Search On Your Own

There are many dedicated keyword research tools you can use to up your game. And some of them are free!

For example, Workstreams offers a free keyword finder to search for targeted search terms. Users can group keywords by industry and country to narrow down their results.

Some other great (and free) keyword finders are and KW Finder.

You can also work with a professional marketing agency to conduct keyword research. Such companies can study your value proposition in depth, and deliver targeted results to improve your visibility. They also usually have access to more sophisticated (and expensive) Keyword Research software that you can tap into and take your rankings to the next level.

Diversify Your Search Terms

It’s important to mind the competition. That said, it’s not ideal to always use the same keywords that they use.

Here, the key is to diversify your SEO keywords. Experiment with a few terms you deem relevant, even if they might not be so for the competition.

This can help you come up with a well-oiled balance of keywords. On one side, you’ll use keywords that deliver quick results. But you’ll also boost your SEO game thanks to low-competing keywords, which focus on attractive niche customers.

Reassess Keyword Relevance

Keyword research is not a one-time-only practice. Rather, it should be a staple of your marketing strategy.

SEO Keywords gain and lose relevance constantly. So, what works today may be irrelevant in a few months.

Make sure you reassess their relevance every few months.

Oftentimes, you’ll find new terms that will augment your results. Even further, you could find new SEO Keywords to attract specific visitors.

This constant renewal will go a long way in boosting your search engine ranks.

E-commerce Hack: How to find good SEO keywords in 10 minutes

Enhance Your Authority

Google favors sources of ‘authority’; meaning the most clicked-on search results by users. And to build this up, you must pair keywords with great content.

Create enriching posts, images and videos for customers. Then, promote it as much as you can on the proper channels. Let people see you, and value your knowledge.

And of course, include your relevant SEO keywords within your content. For example:

  • Phrase matching. Use your best keywords to create the title and description of your posts. Make sure you also include the top keywords in the URL and meta description.
  • Long-tail keywords. Take some of the search terms and create long phrases. Then, include these terms within your content.
  • Invest in visuals. Design attractive images, short but engaging videos. You can even create infographics that further delight customers. Then, place some keywords within the meta tags to drive visibility up.

Leave no blank spaces. Combine SEO keywords in content with as much detail as possible. This is the key to driving satisfaction and engagement.

And remember, keyword relevance triumphs over keyword density.

Final Thoughts

Poor SEO Keywords translate to low search ranks. This is a consequence of an improper keyword strategy.

SEO Keyword research can be time-consuming. It’s also an ongoing process, and it’s not the only tool required to boost visibility.

Yet, it is a worthy investment to attract the right audiences into your website.

So, find and choose the SEO keywords that tell customers who you are, and how you can solve their needs.

In time, keyword optimization will get you to the first page browser results, where users will truly notice your hard work.


E-commerce Hack: How to find good SEO keywords in 10 minutes
Esteban Muñoz is an SEO copywriter at AMZ Advisers, with several years’ experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. Esteban and the AMZ Advisers team have been able to achieve incredible growth on the Amazon platform for their clients by optimizing and managing their accounts and creating in-depth content marketing strategies.

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