Dust in the Sunlight follow up their eponymous debut single from earlier this year with ‘Strangest Places’. Singer-songwriters Billy Wright and Annie Rew Shaw bonded while recording backing vocals for Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly’s new album and had signed a deal with Project Melody withing 12 months of forming.
This new song, released ahead of their debut EP on 5 June, opens in blissed-out fashion with a huge bass sound as the duo harmonise about someone ‘creeping up on me like an old flame from way back when’. As the gliding piano takes the song into a warming Stars-esque chamber pop direction, Billy and Annie sing in unison: ‘Let’s find ourselves in the strangest places. When the stars are streetlights and the road feels like home no matter where you go, here you are. I told you I was lost, you said you’re your own home. No matter where you go, here you are’.