Beth & Darius Rucker with Rebecca, Bella, Sadie, Korie & Willie Robertson
You know how I always say, "It's not so much what you know as WHO you know…" Example: On Saturday I got a call about attending the grand opening for a new boutique called Duck & Dressing that recently opened in Monroe, Louisiana. You might of heard of the owner - Korie Robertson? She's on a little show called Duck Dynasty. Yeah. Took me about 30 seconds to accept the invitation, clear my schedule and gas up the car. I hit the road and 4 hours later was taking a tour of the Duck Commander Warehouse. (Don't tell Jase, but in spite of the big sign he had up, I totally sat in his chair and touched his duck calls.) Normally, I wouldn't talk about a store opening in Monroe, Louisianna. But when you get a personal invitation from America's most popular family to come to a private party for the opening of their new boutique… Well, I just had to bend the rules to share the experience!

photo: Duck & Dressing on Facebook
Until a couple of years ago, hardly anyone had heard of West Monroe, Louisiana. It was just another dip in the road on the way to somewhere more important - until one family put this town on the map: The Robertson family.Their megahit television show, Duck Dynasty on A&E, thrust this redneck family into a very public spotlight. The 70s had the Brady Bunch, the 80s had the Cosby's, the 2000s - have the Robertson clan.
The men of the family might be known for their scruffy appearance and camo attire, but the ladies are style-savvy and in the past few months have decided to break out of the redneck stereotype and express their love of clothing through a variety of fashionable projects.
Willie and Korie Robertson's 16-year old daughter, Sadie, walked in New York's Fashion Week this past September and debuted her own line of prom dresses in collaboration with Evening by Sherri Hill. Within weeks of Sadie's New York debut, Korie tweeted that she was opening a clothing boutique called Duck & Dresssing with her 25-year old foster daughter Rebecca in Monroe, LA. The store opened in November and last night I attended the holiday/grand opening party.
Click to see EXCLUSIVE photos on Facebook

Rebecca Robertson with
Jep & Jessica Robertson
There might have been more of the little kids there… I just named the ones I recognized from the show. Everyone's favorite, the matriarch of the family, Miss Kay showed up to greet guests but high-tailed it home to Phil after about an hour.
The tent has been decked out with holiday decor and an Airstream trailer serving Duck and Dressing (chili over cornbread), bread pudding, bacon-wrapped duck skewers with cream cheese and jalape単os inside (I had about 4 of these) and duck-shaped cookies. Entertainment was provided by Jase and Missy's son, Reed, and the headliner was Darius Rucker of Hootie and the Blowfish fame.

Korie and Willie Roberston with Jase and Missy Robertson

Rebecca & Korie Robertson
with store mascot, Leauxla
For those curious about the store itself, Duck and Dressing is very similar to our Milk & Honey or an Anthropologie. I saw familiar lines like Henry & Belle and BCBG along with new names and a line of screen-printed Monroe-themed tees and sweatshirts designed by the Robertson ladies. Price points ranged form $40 to $400. A little something for everyone.
There is no website yet, which I have to assume is in the works because they could make a mint (like they need it) selling online. For now, you can follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
It might of been the men of Duck Dynasty that got this ball rolling, but the ladies are clearly ready to step out of their shadow's and grab their piece of sunshine. If you are traveling through Monroe, you can pay a visit to Duck and Dressing at 411 DeSiard Street, Monroe, LA 71201.