NOTE: All pics are cell phone pics (No need to lug around the DSLR on date night)

First up: Cocktails!!

I started with a Bellini because man it was so hot outside. I needed a refreshing drink. Besides, I wanted to keep the dessert theme alive!! JC had water because he is boring (not really, he has a Crossfit competition coming up and there is ZERO alcohol during training!)

I mean how can you go wrong with a place that has dedicated 5 pages of its menu to desserts!!

He hates taking pictures so I was super excited that I got this genuine smile!

JC ordered the Reese's Peanut Butter cheesecake and I ordered strawberry. Of course, he helped me finish mine!!

This was probably one of my favorite dates. It was unexpected, casual and fun. We laughed so much, never once talked about the kids or home issues. It was just us hanging out. I highly recommend a drinks & dessert date night to all!!