And what about discovering Jane Austen’s Regency era through fashion! Aren't you curious to know more about such a fascinating time? Thanks to Dress-up Jane Austen you'll get to find out unusual details, how a Regency bride and groom dressed for their wedding or why everyone used to wear hats, for instance. What is Dress-up Jane Austen?
It is a beautifully illustrated activity book. Written by Catherine Bruzzone and illustrated by Hennie Haworth, it is part of a series, Fashion Paper Dolls, and it's all about discovering the history of the Regency Era through the fashions of the time. It provides a healthy dose of nostalgic paper dolls fun and interesting information. Whilst the series of books is meant for children, leafing through its lovely pages, I'm sure that adults, especially Jane Austen fans, might enjoy the level of detail in the drawings, too.
Why I like it so much
- its detailed illustrations transport the reader- it has fact pages that educate and inspire- it offers unusual topics- it brings the Regency era to life with detailed, cut-out historical costumes- you can read about the history behind the oufits in the separate, educational non-fiction section - it appeals to a wide range of ages and, especially, the dedicated Jane Austen fan base
What can you do with it?- Very plainly, you can cut out the fourteen colourful costumes, for both women and men, then dress up the two dolls to explore the fashions of Jane Austen’s day.