You have to understand that you don't need to cut your hair every day. In fact, dreadlocks maintenance should be done every day as long as you keep your locks from becoming too unmanageable. The key is knowing the right techniques on how to take care of your mane. Dreadlocks need to be maintained differently if they are cut short. It's pretty much the same as what you would do for the maintenance on your hair.
Dreadlocks that are cut long are easy to manage but don't forget to trim them regularly. In some cases, your dreadlocks are prone to becoming dry, because the cuticles at the base of the hair have been removed. This means that your hair doesn't have any defense mechanism to protect it. Also, read about health tips in this post.
If you want to prevent dryness on your mane, then you have to make sure that you give your hair enough moisture. If you're not sure how to do this, then ask someone that knows about dreadlocks. Even though you'll be wearing the braids for a while, it's still worth it to learn the proper care and maintenance.
In terms of proper dreadlocks maintenance, you have to take your time and make sure that you don't damage your mane by cutting it too short. If you do this, then it's highly possible that the braids will fall out and it will look unkempt. You also have to be careful about doing this so that you don't end up with cuts and burns. If you don't want to risk this then you should try something else.
To prevent the hair from becoming too damaged by the hot sun, try using a blow dryer so that you can make sure that the hair dry. Be sure that you avoid using the hottest setting so that the hair doesn't end up in extreme heat. Avoid using a towel to help dry the hair, because this can cause more damage. Get more information about shampoo for oily hair here.
If you're not using the proper tools, then you might end up causing damage to your hair. These tools are not cheap and you'll be stuck with the tool, which doesn't even belong to you. You will also get a very dirty hair. You have to be very careful with your upkeep.
After all, your hair should be a beautiful sight on you. There are so many ways in which you can maintain your dreadlocks, but you have to be sure that you always use the best tools. Remember that it's not enough to protect your hair, but you have to ensure that it's healthy too.