Dr. Tony Evans, the pastor of the Oakcliff Church in Texas latest book ‘Detours’ is being donated to a prison ministry campaign.
Incarcerated men and women will receive a free copy of Dr. Pastor Tony Evans’ latest book “Detours: The Unpredictable Path to Your Destiny” through a special, “buy one-give one” launch campaign offered by B&H Publishing Group and the Prison Fellowship Ministries. For each purchase of Detours redeemed on www.DetoursBook.com before Feb. 28, 2017, B&H will donate a corresponding copy to the prison ministry program.
Prison Fellowship, founded by the late Charles Colson, is an international ministry that seeks to restore those affected by crime and incarceration by introducing prisoners, victims and their families to a new hope available through Jesus Christ. Each month, more than 26,000 prisoners participate in Prison Fellowship classes.
“I am so pleased to partner with Prison Fellowship in getting the message of Detours to those who may need it most,” Evans said. “May they take the message to heart and be encouraged to see that God can use our delays and detours for good.”