I was randomly talking to a person who turned out to be a Hypnotherapist the other day and the summary of that conversation is, "You hear yourself."
Sure the hypnotherapist has a hand in putting your mind in the right attitude to heal itself, but the hypnotherpist doesn't heal you, you heal yourself.
I kinda like how Rima Laibow explains how 'gut feeling' is based on the amount of SERATONIN in the gut as compared to the brain: the gut is an 'emotional entity'.
Here's another person who also believes that, "You heal yourself," Dr Rima Laibow, wife of Major Albert Stubblebein III:
In case you didn't see it, here's ALL THE ARMY'S STRATEGIC FORCES AROUND THE WORLD at the time commander Major Albert Stubblebein III's opinion of 9/11, that's the catastrophic day of September 11th 2001.
Controlled Demolition as described above, is not 'specified' so 'all sorts of ways of getting the lower floors out of the way' are still on the table. CD doesn't 'have to' mean conventional explosives: it could be 'any method that dustifies steel and concrete buildings'.
PS: ALL THE ARMY'S STRATEGIC FORCES AROUND THE WORLD at the time commander Major Albert Stubblebein III was in Hawaii on a Conference - oh, there were LOTS OF CONFERENCES Sep 10-12 2001.
PPS: watch and listen with DISCERNMENT, always: we never 'really' know 'who is our friend' and 'who is not' in the covert disinformation network we call Society (when amoral war-games involving profit and economy are concerned).