Politics Magazine

DPRK Premier Visits Coal Mine

Posted on the 29 April 2013 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW
DPRK Cabinet Premier Pak Pong Ju (1) looks at a piece of equipment during a tour of the Sunchon Area Coal Mining Complex in South Pyongan Province (Photo: KCNA)

DPRK Cabinet Premier Pak Pong Ju (1) looks at a piece of equipment during a tour of the Sunchon Area Coal Mining Complex in South Pyongan Province (Photo: KCNA)

DPRK state media reported on 29 April (Monday) that DPRK Cabinet Premier Pak Pong Ju visited the Sunch’o'n Area Youth Coal Mining Complex.  Pak was briefed about coal production at the 8 February Jikdong Youth Coal Mine and learned about the deposit and yield of other coal mines in the area.  Pak held a meeting with local officials and managers of the coal mines at which he “underscored the importance of the coal production in stepping up the building of an economic power and carrying out the new strategic line of the Workers’ Party of Korea on simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force,” according to KCNA.  The meeting also addressed  ”issues of working out a correct business strategy as required by the socialist economic management in the new century and rationally and scrupulously managing enterprise and manpower” and “underscored the need for the relevant units to work out plans in line with the production capacity of coal mines and put the supply of materials on a par with production as immediate tasks.”  Pak Pong Ju also toured others areas of the Sunchon coal mining complex and “discussed matters for combining production with technology. “

Pak’s predecessor, Choe Yong Rim, last visited the Sunch’o'n coal mining complex and the 8 February Jikdong Youth Coal Mine in January 2013.

Overview of the Sunch'o'n Area Coal Mining Complex (Photo: Google image)

Overview of the Sunch’o'n Area Coal Mining Complex (Photo: Google image)

Filed under: Central Committee, central party life, Choe Yong Rim, critical infrastructure, DPRK Cabinet, DPRK Premier, Guard Command, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), local people's committees, March 2013 KWP Central Committee Meeting (plenary session), mines, Ministry of Coal Industry, Ministry of Electric Power, Ministry of Electronic Industry, Ministry of Foreign Trade, North Korean press, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Pong Ju, Party elders, Political Bureau, Provinicial People's Committee, South P'yo'ngan KWP Provincial Committee, South P'yo'ngan Provincial People's Committee, State Planning Commission (SPC), transportation, tunnel construction

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