Destinations Magazine

Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory

By Elizabethwix

Enough of the weather and things horticultural.
What on earth else do I spend my time doing? Well, thinking about art for one thing.
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
I went to the Downtown Art Fair at the Lexington Avenue Armory - a wonderful 'old New York' building with high arched ceiling - like a gymnasium on steroids...
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
suitable flags
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
and a nice broad staircase seeming going off into infinity.
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
Then there were the art booths with galleries from all over the world and important sort of people scurrying about.
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
Very mixed sort of art - mostly not very interesting to me. Lots of photography.
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
More important people  having loft conversations.
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
The people more interesting than the art.
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
However, I discover the photographer Julie Blackmon each of whose images is a novel in itself. Partly beautiful, partly disturbing and altogether fascinating.
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
Ah, hints of Abbey Road and American Beauty. 
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
Then the Finnish photographer Pentti Sammallahti
Downtown Art Fair/Lexington Avenue Armory
whose works in black and white are haunting and lovely and often have dogs in.

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