Season 2 Finale Click Here
Best line said by Lord Grantham: "I don't want my daughter to be married to a man who threates her with ruin. I want a good man for you a brave man!"
Best line said by Mr. Bates: "One kiss to take with me"
Let's get in to it
They're engaged! What an Epic-tastic season finale. Yep, I just combined epic and fantastic. I think it works. Moving on! I was almost in tears when Matthew finally got on one knee to propose to Lady Mary! FINALLY! That's right Sir Richard Carlisle get to steppin' and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I love Anna amd Mr. Bates together!!! Poor Anna! Her hubby Mr. Bates is locked up for the murder of his ex-wife Mrs. Bates. I was so revealed that he wasn't going to be executed. I thought if the writers kill off Mr. Bates I'm going to stage a coup agonist PBS.
Sir Anthony Strallan was back on the scene again with Lady Edith pursuing him this time. She was going to get her man and didn't matter if he was injured and 30 years her senior. Get it girl.! Desperate times call for desperate measures. You deserve to be happy too!
Lady Sybil didn't make an appearance on the Season Finale which I thought was a bit strange but homegirl did run off and marry the Chauffeur. So I guess it's to be expected
What is up with the hussie ladies maids? Miss Shaw was caught canoodling with Lady Rosamund's beau Lord Hepworth. Lady Rosamund don't sweat it, dude is broke. You're better off!
What was Cousin Isobel trying to imply by gifting the Dowager Countess a nut cracker for her Christmas present. Back off lady, the Dowager Countess is my homegirl.
What kind of mess? Who would think to hide a dog from their owner? Thomas that's who! That joker was up to his trick trickery games again. He is so desperate to replace Mr. Bates as Lord Grantham's valet, that's he's willing to risk harming a poor defenseless animal. Creep!
I was so happy to see Daisy reunited with her Father-in-law again. I feel like Daisy is left out a lot, so it was nice to see her story apart of Season 2 finale
By the way who knew the game Charades was pronounced Char - rodes. The next time I host a dinner party I am going to announce that we are playing Charades in my best English accent.
I wonder if my future Snookums watches Downton Abbey. No worries. If he doesn't I will convert him. I've already converted my Sister.
Until Season 3 my friends.......Laters!