Food & Drink Magazine

Dove Crispy Rice Bar Review (China)

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Dove Crispy Rice Bar Review (China)
Today's review is thanks to a reader from China who sent me a snacks package last year. I must sincerely apologize to her for taking so long to review it; I've had so many snacks in the archives and so little time it somehow ended up being neglected.
She sent me a fantastic snacks package but the one which stood out most to me was this Dove Crispy bar. Dove is another name for the famous Galaxy brand that we get here in the UK - it seems that elsewhere in the world (including the US) it's called Dove, but only here in the UK it's called Galaxy for some odd reason!
Unfortunately this bar suffered heat damage during postage and so had a rather "bloomed" and dusty appearance, but luckily it still tasted okay!
Dove Crispy Rice Bar Review (China)
It tasted slightly different to the Galaxy chocolate we get here in the UK - it was a little richer and less milky. The crispy rice pieces were a nice addition and gave the chocolate a welcome crunch, although there weren't enough of them to make it worthwhile. It reminded me a little of Nestlé Crunch bars but with less crisped rice.
Overall, this is an interesting bar and it would be a nice addition to the UK Galaxy range, but only if it had more crisped rice added!
RATING: 7 out of 10. 

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