I was born with a double veil.
As one born with twice the power and ability of the extraordinary I’ve been told that I see more than average, that I am more psychic than most, that I was always meant to have a little more in life than others and that I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and this has been acknowledged by other gifted people that I have crossed paths with and that had experienced me for themselves.
One born with a double veil is even rarer than the general rare caul birth itself as most have never even heard of the term yet a person born of extra sensory perception that has never heard a desription before will automatically interpret a corresponding meaning through a natural discernment. I’ve constantly been able to do this on many levels of subject.
I’ve been fortunate enough to come into contact with a few that were able to recognize the significance of the double veil through talking with me and connecting to my energy.
I’ll be one of the very first to elaborate as only one who is born within this fashion is able to because only we know who we are.
It shouldn’t take a genious to realize that aside from chance heritage plays a large role within the endowment of gaining special talents that are passed down and that skip through the generations.
As I have those born of the “sight” all within my family unit on both my mother and father’s side and not just on one generation but coincidentally all heavily spread about the lineage I was celestially and genetically attributed with an extra dose of supernatural parentage.
It happens once in a while that some of us get an overloaded package at birth, more than one share of surprising and challenging gifts to open up and learn how to use, and apply to daily living.

Children born of a double veil have an extremely heightened ability of power/energy and are able to tap into the universe and the unknown whereas other Caulbearer’s cannot.
We have a deeper connection to other dimensional realms and a keener understanding and interaction with nature. We have a remarkable view into people and into the nature of their being.
I am not going to go into all of the serious details as enough has been exploited by the posers out there who violate us by using our own information of personal experiences to gain attention and notoriety to falsely represent as their very own. So I will not give any more information for perpetrators to feed off of just enough for those that identify and to confirm their encounters. Let’s keep some of our truths sacred and unattainable to those that only pretend to know.
So to wrap it up us very few born with double veils are literally “double the power”.
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