Books Magazine

Door to Door by Emma Walton Hamilton

By Pamelascott

Door to Door is a celebration of accident and grace in a world where wonder is too often supplanted by obligation. This collection of poems is split into four parts roughly corresponding to the author's life phases, touching on her experiences of childhood, family, motherhood, and aging, as well as her reflections on art, love, loss, and the mysteries of the natural world.

Award-winning, best-selling author Emma Walton Hamilton's love of language is evident throughout; her voice is playful, at times reverential, and always interested in the magic and imagery of the subjects she tackles.


A slick vinyl banquette,Butter-yellow, circling a white Formica table.BOWMONT DRIVE


(@AndrewsMcMeel, 13 September 022, e-book, 96 pages, #ARC from the publisher via @ edelweiss_squad)


This is a new poet for me. I didn't think much of this collection to be honest. The poems weren't terrible but they weren't anything special either. The poems were quite wordy and used a lot of adjectives, almost as if the poet was doing exercises from a textbook. They didn't feel genuine to me. I've noticed this is quite common with collections from this publisher. The poems just weren't for me.

Door to Door by Emma Walton Hamilton

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